Layouts for Graphic Designers


About Course

  1. Introduction to Layouting
    • What is layouting?
    • Importance of layouting in graphic design
    • Overview of basic principles
  2. Understanding Composition
    • Rule of Thirds
    • Balance (symmetrical, asymmetrical)
    • Visual hierarchy
  3. Typography in Layouting
    • Choosing the right fonts
    • Font pairing
    • Text alignment and spacing
  4. Color Theory in Layouting
    • Basics of color theory
    • Color schemes for layouts
    • Using color to create hierarchy and emphasis
  5. Grid Systems
    • Introduction to grid systems
    • Types of grids (column, modular, hierarchical)
    • Applying grids to layouts
  6. Images and Graphics in Layouts
    • Selecting and placing images
    • Using graphics for visual interest
    • Image and text integration

Course Content


  • Intro

Rule of Thirds

Visual Hierarchy

Principles of Layout

Typography in Layout

Images in Layout

Golden Ratio

Design Inspiration

Movie Poster and References

Grid (Practical)

Column (Practical)

Project 3

Project 4

Project 5

Project 6